An interplanetary grain, from E. Jessberger (2005).
→ ~30% of light in Universe processed by dust.
Based on the mean Milky Way extinction curve of Weingartner & Draine (2001).
Two effects:
... hate dust:
... love dust:
⇒ Either way, mapping dust is useful.
$$ I_{\nu} \left( \nu , T , \beta \right) = \overbrace{\sigma}^{\mathrm{column}} \underbrace{\kappa \left( \nu , \beta \right)}_{\mathrm{low-}\nu\ \mathrm{cutoff}} \overbrace{B_{\nu} \left( \nu , T \right)}^{\mathrm{blackbody}} ,\ \ {\scriptstyle \mathrm{where}\ \kappa \ \propto \ v^{\beta}} \, . $$
Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) and Planck Collaboration+ (2013)
Originally developed for CMB subtraction, but widely used throughout astronomy.
We can determine stellar distances (from parallaxes and photometry).
Stellar photometry directly traces optical & NIR extinction.
→ We can trace variation in the wavelength-extinction relation.
5 optical-NIR bands: g, r, i, z, y
Imaged the sky North of declination -30° → ¾ of sky
~billion stars with high-quality photometry
3 NIR bands: J, H, Ks
All-sky coverage
~300 million high-quality stars
Adapted from Berry+ (2012)
→ More complicated than this: photometry has uncertainties, we have to apply priors, ...
Stellar type determines absolute magnitudes: $\vec{M} ( \vec{\theta} )$.
Universal extinction law (one type of dust): $\vec{A} = E \, \vec{R}$.
Apparent magnitudes: $\vec{m} = \vec{M} ( \vec{\theta} ) + E \, \vec{R} + \mu$.
Parallax: $\varpi \propto r^{-1}$.
Priors on distribution of stars, luminosity function, etc.
$$ p \left( \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \mid \hat{m}, \hat{\varpi} \right) = \frac{ p \left( \hat{m}, \hat{\varpi} \mid \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \right) p \left( \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \right) }{ p \left( \hat{m}, \hat{\varpi} \right) } $$
$$ p \left( \hat{m}, \hat{\varpi} \mid \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \right) = p \left( \hat{m} \mid \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \right) p \left( \hat{\varpi} \mid \mu \right) $$
← $ p \left( \hat{m} \mid \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \right) $ from empirical stellar model in PS1-2MASS (shown here in color-color space).
Trivial parallax likelihood: $p \left( \hat{\varpi} \mid \mu \right)$
$$ p \left( \vec{\theta}, \mu, E \right) = p \left( \mu \right) p \left( \vec{\theta} \mid \mu \right) p \left( E \right) $$
Prior on distance modulus should be proportional to number of stars along line of sight per unit distance modulus:
$$ p \left( \mu \right) \propto \frac{ \mathrm{d}N }{ \mathrm{d}\mu \mathrm{d}\Omega } = \frac{ \mathrm{d}N }{ \mathrm{d}r \mathrm{d}\Omega } \frac{ \mathrm{d}r }{ \mathrm{d}\mu } \, . $$
Transform the volume element: $$ \mathrm{d}V = r^2 \mathrm{d}r \mathrm{d}\Omega \, . \implies p \left( \mu \right) \propto r^2 \frac{ \mathrm{d}N }{ \mathrm{d}V } \frac{ \mathrm{d}r }{ \mathrm{d}\mu } \, . $$
Using $\mu = 5 \log_{10} \left( \frac{r}{10\,\mathrm{pc}} \right)$ and $n \left(\mu\right) = \mathrm{d}N/\mathrm{d}V$, $$ p \left( \mu \right) \propto 10^{3\mu/5} n \left( \mu \right) \, . $$
The term $10^{3\mu/5}$ takes into account that volume per unit distance modulus increases as we look farther out. We are looking at a cone, and distance modulus is a logarithmic unit of volume.
→ SDSS Tomography model (recall from lecture 1)
Thin & thick disks: $$\rho \left(R,z\right) \propto \exp\left(-\frac{R}{L}-\frac{z}{H}\right)$$ $L$ = scale length, $H$ = scale height.
Oblate halo: $$\rho \left(R,z\right) \propto \left[R^2 + \left(\frac{z}{q_H}\right)^2\right]^{-n_H}$$ $q_H$ controls oblateness, $n_H$ = power-law exponent. (power law "breaks" in outer halo)
Stellar type = metallicity, luminosity.
$$ p \left( \left[ \mathrm{Fe}/\mathrm{H} \right] \mid \mu \right) p \left( M_r \right) $$
Metallicity prior: SDSS Tomography model (again)
$p\left( \left[ \mathrm{Fe/H} \right] \mid Z \right)$ in Solar neighborhood:
← Disk & halo have different metallicity distributions
$p\left( \mu, E \mid \hat{m}, \hat{\varpi} \right)$ in Solar neighborhood:
Stellar PDFs, centered on the true values, stacked for 5000 stars (using mock data).
Flat priors perform much worse!
Background: stacked stellar PDFs for one mock sightline.
Overplotted: samples of distance-reddening relation.
Top panels: individual stellar PDFs.
Split up sky into pixels of a few hundred stars.
Smaller pixels in regions with higher stellar density.
Infer extinction vs. distance in every pixel independently.
Distance increases with time. Uncertainty represented by flickering.
Orbiting the Sun at distance of 25 pc, looking towards the anticenter.
Oscillating above and below the Galactic plane.
Sun at the center, Galactic Center off the plot to the right.
Overplotted: masers in high-mass star-forming regions.
Possible spiral-arm locations are labeled.
Spiral arms visible in dust?
"Holes" in nearby slices of the dust map.
→ This is not what we expect the dust density field to look like in real life.
Inferred dust density becomes smoother at greater distances, because it is based on a larger number of stars.
How to address this problem?
→ Fit multiple sightlines simultaneously, and impose priors that favor smooth dust density fields.
$$\left< X ( \vec{r_1} ) \, X ( \vec{r_2} ) \right> = K ( r_{12} )$$
1. Infer dust in each signtline independently.
2. Go back to each sightline, and infer its dust again, taking into account the dust in nearby pixels.
3. Repeat N times, increasing correlation length to desired level.
Extinction of star $n$: $$ a_n \propto \int_0^{r_n} \!\!\!\!\!\! \rho \left(r\right) \mathrm{d}r \approx \sum_j G_{n,j} \rho_{j} \, , $$ where $\rho_j$ are the densities at all the "knots" along all the sightlines, and $G_{n,j}$ describes which knots are along the sightline for star $n$.
The densities at the different "knots" are correlated with one another, through a Gaussian process: $$ p \left( \vec{\rho} \right) \propto \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \vec{\rho}^T C_{\rho}^{-1} \vec{\rho} \right) \, . $$
A linear transformation of a Gaussian is a Gaussian, so the prior on $\vec{a}$ is Gaussian, with $$ \vec{\mu}_a = G \vec{\mu}_{\rho} ,\hspace{1em} C_a = G C_{\rho} G^T \, . $$
Likelihood of $\vec{a}$ comes from observations of stellar photometry.
⇒ There is a straightforward way to predict the (Gaussian) posterior of $\rho$ at any new point in space.
Prior: logarithm of density is a Gaussian process: $$ \rho \sim \exp\left( \mathcal{GP} \right) $$
Infer large volumes at once: not sightline-by-sightline.
Variational method: approximate the posterior as a Gaussian, and minimize difference between variational Ansatz and the true posterior.
Models dust out to ~400 pc.
→ Very high resolution for nearby dust.
Dust wavelength-extinction relation varies throughout the Milky Way.
→ Primary effect in the optical: variation in dust grain-size distribution.
Parameterized by the ratio of extinction to reddening in optical wavelengths: $$ A\left(V\right) = R\left(V\right) E\left(B-V\right) $$
→ Slope of the extinction-wavelength relation.
Basic idea: compare unreddened and reddened stars of same spectroscopic type.
Match spectroscopic survey (APOGEE) to photometric surveys (PS1, 2MASS, WISE).
Model colors of star $k$ as a function of spectroscopic type and reddening: $$ \vec{c}_k = \vec{f} \left( T_{\mathrm{eff},\,k}, \, \left[ \mathrm{Fe} / \mathrm{H} \right]_k \right) + \vec{R}_0 \, E_k \, . $$
The function $\vec{f}$ and reddening vector $\vec{R}_0$ are constrained by a large number of stars.
Above, we only determined $\vec{R}_0$, the average reddening vector.
→ What if it varies in space?
Difference between observed and model color: $$\vec{\delta c} \equiv \hat{c} - \vec{c}_{\mathrm{model}} = \hat{c} - \vec{f} \left( T_{\mathrm{eff}}, \, \left[ \mathrm{Fe} / \mathrm{H} \right] \right) \, .$$
← Reddenings don't necessarily lie along $\vec{R}_0$.
← Find the main axes in color-space along which dust reddening moves stars.
The 1st principal component is the mean reddening relation.
The 2nd principal component corresponds to $R\left(V\right)$ variation.
Use stellar $R\left(V\right)$ measurements in combination with 3D dust map to determine $R\left(V\right)$ in 3D.
Schlafly, Peek, Finkbeiner, Green (2017)
→ Unexpectedly large-scale variations in dust properties.
The DECaPS survey
There is a mathematical framework for this: Poisson point processes (Sale+ 2015).
... is important for many areas of astronomy.
... gives us a window into the structure of our galaxy.
... involves many interesting inference techniques and datasets.